Friday, January 16, 2009

1. Enough with the cold weather. It's in the low 20's in VA Beach, brrr!

2. My zodiac sign causes me to be conflicted. Darn scales. I have such a problem making decisions.

3. I've been craving mom's homemade chilli.

4. Hanging out with my family makes me laugh.

5. I wish I could go to a warm tropical beach with the family next week.

6. Georgiahas been on my mind lately. Actually, going back to school. There is a great Master's Program for an IS Security related degree

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to crawling under the covers and go to bed, tomorrow my plans include driving to Charlotte to see grammy & grampy E and Sunday, I want to enjoy a relaxing day with the E family before driving back Monday!

We were supposed to leave today for Charlotte. Today turned into tonight because of a last minute Dr. appt for Bean. I had thought his teething was the cause of the cough, runny nose and fussiness. Poor little guy has an ear infection. So tonight has now turned into tomorrow. We didn't want to spend 5 hrs in the car starting at 7pm. So a good night's rest is in the cards for Bean.

Hope all enjoy their long weekend. Stay warm! I don't think there are many warm temperatures to be seen this weekend.


Anonymous Denise Mewborn said...

Not sure which program you're looking at, but if it's affiliated with the Center for International Trade and Security at UGA, I can hook you up with people there! You can come visit the program and stay with us! (There's even a Navy base here...supply corps school...until 2011.)

Anonymous Janet said...

Poor Bean...hope he feels better soon! And woman...20? I'll be wearing flip flops...it hasn't been 20 here in so long (except for today, but then we got 10 inches of snow LOL).

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