Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Decisions, Decisions
So MrE and I are planning to go on vacation this summer sans Bean. If all goes as it should, we will have about 30 days to play with. We are hoping to visit my parents, his parents, have down time with Bean, and then of course, our vacation. Now the question is where and for how long. We had originally planned to go to Hawaii, but have since decided on a Mediterranean cruise. Either vacation would be about 2 weeks. My sister, who does know me better than almost anyone, thinks it will be too hard to leave Bean for 2 weeks. For me in particularly where I am home with him all day. Sure I will miss him, but if he is with family I'll be fine. I think. He would be a year when we leave... So now I'm wondering, is two weeks too long??? I think we may try a weekend away soon and see how that goes.

Any thoughts?


Anonymous elizabeth said...

two weeks is going to feel like eternity. One week might be more manageable but still kind of a lot. Especially since you're home with him all the time.

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