Friday, January 23, 2009
Friday Fill In

1. Oh, I am so to be over our colds & viruses here!

2. Motherhood changes, big and little.

3. During the night, I am up too often to check on Bean.

4. I'm still coughing???; are you kidding me???

5. Right now I'd like to be on the beach in St. Thomas.

6. My camera is my favorite gadget.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to maybe a movie on TV, tomorrow my plans include some much needed grocery shopping and buying a grill and Sunday, I want to grill out with some friends!

We're almost through the colds & viruses here! Bean is almost back to normal. He is smiling and playing away with minor fussiness. Soon pajama days will come to an end, but I am so looking forward to getting out of the house. It's supposed to be 60 degrees today. A little fresh air just might be in order!


Anonymous Janet said...

such an adorable smiley little boy :-)

Hey...what store do you shop at?

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