Wednesday, January 14, 2009
January 14
When I was younger it seemed like time almost stood still. Especially time around holidays, the winter months and any time waiting for an upcoming event. Now I look at the calendar and cannot believe the date is what it is. Anyhow, life in the E house has been good. I am on a mission to get Bean out of the house more. With winter months finally settling in here in VA, walking is not always an option. Aside from that, he was around Zilla who is 5 months older for the first 5 months of his life. Life has gotten a little quiet and I really think he is bored. I am only assuming this by the screams I hear every 10-20 minutes, which translates into NEXT... I am also hoping this tires him out to the point that he does not protest every nap with a fit. So far I have won the battles, but he has not waivered one bit.

So this week we met up with a gal I went to high school with who also lives in VA Beach. It was so wonderful having some girlfriend time. Plus Bean could not have behaved any better for the whole two hours we were at Starbucks. There was no fussing just a lot of flirtacious smiles. We are definitely in trouble when his hormones kick in. Sadly that will be here one day way before I'm ready to let my little Bean grow up. I was so giddy that whole day. Moving on, today we went to a Gymboree class. Can I just say how great this was?!? There were a couple of other little kids, and of course Bean hammed it up. We signed up right after the class. Bonus, since we signed a 6 month contract we get a second class for free!!! It was so great we are looking into getting Zilla a membership for his birthday. Only we are looking to find something closer for them. My sister is a working gal & it would be up to Nana to bring him on Tuesdays. We're going to try it when I'm home in February. So let us hope this works out or we can find something closer to them. And not to overstimulate Bean, we are joining the Y. The perks, there is free 2 hr babysitting so this mama can work out. Plus we can use the pool for family swim time. MrE wants to take lessons with Bean on Saturdays. So between Gymboree Play, Gymboree Music & Pool time, I think Bean will be much happier engaging in activities with more people than just mom.

It is also time for us to finally catch up with our Navy friends that are here in VA Beach. We're settled. Holidays are over. Time to mingle. This weekend we are off to NC to visit the E grandparents. And in a month, we'll be back in MA for 2 weeks (6-20 Feb) to celebrate Zilla's 1st birthday. Well I'm off to get some stuff done before one little boy wakes up demanding his dinner and my attention. I'd like to think he wants my attention more, but he attacks the spoon with


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