Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Although we're feeling much better, the last couple of days were not so. Bean's ear infection was actually the start of RSV (respiratory virus / bronchiolitis). Not a big deal. Two-thirds of infants get it in their first year. Those born from April -October are more susceptible. He spent most of the weekend cuddled up on Grammy, Grampy, mom or dad. What was awful was hearing him wease and then getting the nurse's reaction to bring him in "RIGHT AWAY". I hung up the phone in a complete panic. Complete. I was out of my house in 15 minutes. Needless to say we looked fabulous yesterday (said with a hint of sarcasm). Worse than his weasing was having to hold him tightly and then hold the breathing mask against his face for the breathing treatment. He did everything in his power to get away from me! Screaming. Crying. Thrashing about. And there I was alone in the little room just trying to hold him. Poor little guy. I just kept rocking him and saying I promise this would make him better. Bean is now on amoxicillin, pregnisone & an albuteral inhaler... Today he woke up with the color back in his cheeks and a smile on his face! Yey!!! We're still on the meds & laying low, but he is already getting better.

After that we were off to an urgent care office at the suggestion of his pediatrician. Apparently my cough sounded worrisome. I haven't found a primary care physician yet and was not impressed by the doctors at this office. He asked me which antibiotic I should be on... Well since I am paying, how about we let you decide? MrE is almost over the cold that he so loving shared with all of us. We're just hoping we didn't spread it to Grammy & Grampy.

Hopefully this should be out of our house in the next few days. I have already washed the linens, towels & clothes once. I have disinfected everything. Rewashed all of Bean's bottles and binkies. And I'll probably repeat this process again on Friday or Saturday just to be safe.

Until then our door has a big red X on it. I hope all are surviving cold / flu season.


Anonymous Goofy Girl said...

I hope everyone gets better soon. :(

Anonymous elizabeth said...

That's awful! Poor tiny little guy. Especially since he's such a happy little guy otherwise!
UP here the entire population has the stomach flu. yay.
Give him big kisses for me. Poor thing. And I hope you feel better soon! Get some tea and some jammies and onto the couch with you guys!

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