Tuesday, July 11, 2006
A New Home
Well after a little blog free sebatacle I am back. I figured in keeping with this past year's theme of starting over, I figured that I'd start the blog over too! A new design, a new name, a new take, etc... Only it is still me. Yet this time I'm following my dreams and doing things my way. I've also taken to trying some new things... Triathlons being one of said new things.

I should preface the story with the boyfriend loves triathlons. So much so that he is doing a half-iron man in September. He already has the thought in his head that a full iron man would be great, but next year. That is a marathon run (26 miles), a 110 mile bike ride, and a 2.5 mile swim. The word "great" does not enter my mind for one of those events all by its lonesome never mind all 3 combined. This summer he'll start with the half. My family has resorted into calling him insane when he talks about his 50 mile bike ride or when he comes back from his 11 mile run, which was preceded by a 45 minute bike. He may be a little insane, but he's my insane boyfriend. And it's admirable insane.

So let's see, I'll start off with my moment of insanity that happened in late April. Actually, let's start with early April. At this point I had already signed up for a 5K with the boyfriend. He thought it would be fun. Agreed. It was on the ocean at sunset. Beautiful indeed. Before I knew it he was talking up a basic sprint triathlon. This is a 500 yard swim, 10 mile bike and a 5K run. He would end by saying, "You could do this!" I would reply with, "one thing at a time". After all, the June 5K would be my first race. This yoga girl had not really done anything more cardio than a 30 minute run in a few years. Fast forward to late April, he ran a 1/2 marathon in Nashville. It was a big event. There were concerts every mile on the course and there were over 10,000 runner. I must have been drugged by all of the adrenaline in the air because before I knew it, I committed myself to the sprint triathlon! As soon as the "let's do it" came out of my mouth never able to be taken back I could hear the recent conversation with Janet. She said, "You know you'll do it. You are too competitive to not take it on!"

So here I am chugging along in the training. When I say chugging, I mean slacking off for the last two weeks... And the triathlon is less than 1 month away! Eeek!!! Today is what is called a brick. I'll will bike for 40 minutes to come home and follow up with a 30 minute run... Sarcasm aside, I am actually really excited that I am trying this. The boyfriend is really so supportive and has become a great training partner.


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