Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Biggest Loser
As with most resolutions, some of our family members are all interested in losing weight. To make things a little more tempting we have decided to make it a contest. All contestants have to throw $25 into the prize pot. We all wieghed Sunday and will weigh in again on Memorial Day weekend. The person losing the most percentage wins the pot. Not only will they have lost weight, but there will also be some cash to go replenish their wardrobe!

Now I just have to get rid of that holiday candy!


Anonymous Janet said...

I joined the one at work; we weigh in tomorrow. I figured I might as well since I'm doing WW anyway! Down 18.2 pounds so far :-)

Anonymous elizabeth said...

Wait, am I in on this? Who do I pay?

Anonymous Sky said...

Erik does this with his family. It's for 6 months. Everyone (5 people) puts in $100, each month for 5 months whoever loses the most % wins $50 that month. The winner in the end gets $250. If you gain in a month you pay a penalty of $25. That money goes to 2nd place! LOL He won it last time. Very motivating!

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