Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Holiday Marathon
Our holiday recap...

We have been busy through the holidays, but who isn't? Mr.E had some down time from work, which gave us some family time. We took walks. We relaxed. We had fun. We visited with family. We spent Christmas in VA with the E side of the family. There was lots of food, lots of fun, and more food. The parents-in-law introduced us to Wii, which we have already purchased. I also think we passed on the addiction to the J family. Wii definitely have a problem.

We spent New Year's in MA with the J family, which is actually where we purchased the Wii. Thus being responsible for their addiction. We spent New Year's Eve playing Wii with the whole family. It was the perfect low key holiday. I was actually asleep by 11:30. We also visited with family. MrE was able to going skiing. We had snow. Bean went sledding, which he was totally against. Zilla was still contemplating whether he liked it or not. Mr.E & my sister-in-law participated in the polar plunge. Ah, 23 degrees with freezing winds, snow on the ground & 40 degree water - I'll pass. It was 73 degrees two weeks ago in VA. We also can't forget that mom passed the flu. Although I didn't get it quite as bad as her. It did have us staying in MA an extra day.

And just like that the holiday season is over...


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