Friday, January 2, 2009
A Year In Review
**I posted this on the wrong blog**

January - We moved MrE into our temporary apartment. Heart breaking for one pregnant mama!

February - Zilla was born! We also found out Bean was a he.

March - We said goodbye to a truly wonderful man, my grandfather.

April - I took a mini leave of absence from work to go to VA and be with the hubby before he left on deployment.

May - Vacation in Myrtle Beach. Vacation in MA. Visiting family before Mr.E left.

June - MrE left, another heart breaking moment for this pregnant mama.

July - Bean arrived!!!

August - I was a blurried eyed, sleep deprived mama.

September - Still a little blurried eye, but I went back to work. Materninty leave is just not long enough. I celebrated my anniversary with my parents since Mr.E was somewhere in the deep blue sea.

October - My brother got married to the best gal. Bean was a turkey. Zilla was a lion.

November - I said good bye see you later to a job that I loved. I packed. And packed. And packed.

December - We moved back to VA. MrE returned. I unpacked like a mad woman, done in 3 days! We had our first Christmas together. In our new home. We visited with family!!! MrE's sister got engaged.

2008 was such a great year. I am so centered and happy with life. I am truly enjoying every day and thankful for everything that I have. I am looking forward to 2009 and all it has to offer. I wish only the happiest & best to our family, our friends & all visitors out their in blogland.


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