Tuesday, December 23, 2008
So the Christmas cards went out today. At 3pm. So friends & family, they'll be there soon, just not by Christmas. I am thinking it was the cosmic collision of being a new mom, JR's homecoming, the move, and getting a family picture. Regardless, they are out.

As far as the cooking, I'm ahead of the curve on that. Earlier this week I baked cookies and fudge. Tonight I made black bean salsa, festive guacamole dip, pumpkin trifle & mint chocolate chip pie. Tomorrow I will have to make the rest of the hors d'ouvres (meatballs, baked brie, & stuffed pizza cresent rolls). That is just for Christmas Eve. Christmas day will bring more cooking. On the menu is turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoe caserole, stuffing and veggies. My inlaws are bringing food as well. There will be a lot of eating before we head back to MA. Actually there will be a lot of eating until January 4th. ALOT.

So much for fitting into my old pants. It was nice while it lasted.


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