Friday, November 28, 2008
An email was sent out to families of MrE's ship that protestors have scheduled a protest outside the base on the day the ship returns to Norfolk. Flipping idiots. Now, I get the whole freedom of speech aspect. I get that most people do not agree with the war. But do they understand that they had the right to protest because of those soldiers, sailors, airmen that have fought for that right? Do they understand our military members are sent all over God's green Earth because the President & politicians decide that it is to be? Do they understand that families are reuniting after months away from each other? Do they understand that some of our children can read these colorful signs? Do they understand that not all military are returning from a war in Iraq? Some are on humatarian missions. Some are returning from working on strengthening foreign relationships. Flipping idiots!

If you don't agree with policies and/or the way things are done, please feel free to protest at your state & government offices where the politicians are. Write letters to your representatives. Have a politically opinionated blog. Please do not protest where families are reuniting. That is just disgusting.


I just finished reading about the group that is scheduling the protest. They have been categorized as a hate group and have been banned from Canada. I was right, flipping idiots!


Anonymous Denise Mewborn said...

I hope this doesn't mess up your reunion with JR! Tell him hi for me. I sent him an email a couple of week ago, but it must have been when the ship's server went down as it bounced back.

Anonymous Janet said...

Oh, Azzy, I hope you don't have to wait any longer to see him!

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