Saturday, November 15, 2008
Best Buddies

I have a feeling that there will be some seperation issues between these two little boys... Mon - Fri and some part of the weekend they are together. Zilla is usually crawling towards Bean. He gives him kisses, pats him when Bean is crying, and even holds his hand when they are watching their baby show. Of course some pats are a little tough and must be quickly intercepted. Sometimes Bean is in Zilla's direct path and becomes a mere speed bump. Sometimes there is the theft of the coveted binky. Most of the time Bean instantly smiles when he sees Zilly. Then again, he sometimes looks at me for protection.

Whenever our time in the Navy ends, be it 2 years or 12, we plan to settle back here in MA. Bean and Zilla will be 2 or 12. They will be in the same grade and potentially at the same school. Little buddies. It really is great having them so close together in age. Until that comes Zilla will be missed greatly by Bean.


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