Friday, November 14, 2008
Checking In
So the hubby is back in communication, yey!!! During a recent firmware upgrade on their sat phone all communcation connectivity crashed. No email. No phone. No connection with the outside world. Lovely! Being in the IT field, I have seen my share of failed upgrades. Problem was fixed yesterday and the ship has rejoined the technology age.

They are currently in Casablanca. The last couple of ports did not leave time for picture taking. So no reports, no pictures, no exciting trips... He did go on a tour of a "beautiful" mosque today & took a lot of pictures. An update will be coming soon! After this there is one more stop before making the trip back home.

In less approximately 3 weeks JR, Connor and myself will finally be together!!!


Blogger Caroline said...

Dear Azzy and JR

I love your blog. Since I love to travel and I have a small baby boutique called
www.littlejourneysbabyworld.com, I would love to make you a Onesis or T-shirt for your litle one for free. Just send me your address and what you would like to have on it.

Looking forward to your reply and send you all lots of Blessings,

Little Journeys World, LLC

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