Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Happy Veterans Day!!!

This morning we made an early dash to the high school for a spot at the end of the Veterans Day parade route. It is important for us to note when asking my brother for the time of the parade we specify the time for spectators (us) not those marching in the parade (him). So we were an hour early, for once! The parade was such a great tribute. There were veterans past & present, police officers, fire fighters... A nice group of those who give selflessly. The raising of the flag was timed with a BlackHawk flyover, very touching for this Navy wife - Air Force veteran.

I do not have pictures of all family & friends who serve, but here are some. Thank you for your sacrifice, and to the families at home because it is a sacrifice to you as well!

And thank you to Liz for the photo collage idea!!!


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