Sunday, November 9, 2008
We've been hiding here on Whisper Ln. A bit of a cold has passed from me to my son to my nephew to the grandparents and so on. I'm not sure who started this whole mess, but a mess it was. We are feeling human today and the sun is out.

We did manage to dress up on Halloween and visit some family! All of the boys were adorable. I imagine this will only last a few short years. Then there will be no more lion, turkey, bee or monkey costumes. They will be heros, monsters, and the like.

We're also getting ready for our move, 22 days away! The movers will be here tomorrow to inspect what they will have to pack & ship later on in the month. Other than that, we're heading out to enjoy some fresh air & sun. Bean is also letting me know time for lunch. Gotta run!


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