Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Good Day
I crawled into bed at 2:00am this morning after the last item for the move was in place. Ahh, sweet relief. I was given between a 2 hr window in which the movers would be here, 8-10am. They arrived early. Miracle One. This is when I realized that my father & I would be a little preoccupied with the movers and we had one 9 month old and one 4 month old on hand. Sweet Baby Jesus. I reached for the phone and called my Savior, my SIL Kat. She was awake and at the house in a about 10 minutes. Miracle Two. Since I had already organized all items in three designated areas and placed them in totes or XXL storage bags, the move went very smoothly. They had to repack a very few things, and were out of here in under 4 hrs!!! Miracle Three. This left me the perfect amount of time to clean up Bean, shower & change myself, grab a coffee, and head to Bean's 4 month appt. Early. Miracle Four. (Side note - I am usually running in the door making it just in time or a couple of minutes late. This happens whether I get ready 15 minutes or 2 hrs before. Damn that Murphy!)

As for Bean's appt, Dr.C called him a little "butterball", but a healthy butterball. He is in the 90th percentile for height, weight & head size. Proportionate. We were given the okay for fruits & veggies. He was laughing and smiling for Dr.C. Unfortunately, this was short lived. I really wish MrE was around for these shot appointments. I certainly don't like being associated with that pain. He grimaced. He cried. I cuddled with him. He stopped. He is such a little trooper. If it were only this easy every time. Today, I would have given him a lollipop if he were older, but he's not. So, I guess I'll have the treat instead. **grinning**

All of this was topped off with Bean rolling over on his own for the first time. He has been close the last few days, but just as he was almost over he would roll to the other side, hold, and repeat the process. I know he was thinking, mom why the hayride would I go on my belly? I hate being on my belly! So it was a very productive day here!

Tomorrow I am off to the office. One last time. Again. But tonight I will relax. There is no more to pack, just laundry to do. G-Pa is in the chair with Zilla & Bean singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat. So this mama is going to enjoy a glass of wine, ahem, her treat.

Eleven more days to enjoy with the family before heading home with MrE.


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