Monday, November 17, 2008
Winding Down
I am living in a war zone. Seriously. Disorganized. Messy. Chaos. These are all words that come to mind. There are boxes, tupperware bins & XXL storage bags with items that are to survive this move. Other items have been sent to the reserves. No need to bring any baby stuff that Bean has grown out of. Said items will stay in MA until the next boy in the family is born. Just like outdated ships are sold off to other countries, some items have been set aside for the local second hand store. Then of course there are the casualties of war. This includes anything that has served its purpose and no longer has any life left in it.

This is all unstrategically placed throughout the house. I just hope that the gods of moving & gods of childcare do not plot for my demise over the next two nights. Navigating in darkness to my son's crib may be a mission where injuries are sustained. My original plan is a little off and this is not completely due to procrastination. At least this viral thing went around before the drive to VA. With any luck, I will be finished packing tomorrow night. Items will be organized and in two general areas for the movers, who will be here Thursday. Then it will be suitcase living until Dec 2nd. At least it will be minimal disorganization.

So, when MrE was last with us, I was 36 weeks pregnant and so emotional that I cried. And cried. And cried. The crying debachle was before he even left. Surprisingly, there weren't as many tears once he left. Still a few, just not as many. Being in MA with family was so comforting. I will truly miss it here. Six months flew by! Having my parents, my sister & her family, my brother & his wife be part of my journey into motherhood was so special. I cannot begin to thank them for all of their help & support these last 5 months with Bean. That being said, I am so very excited to see my husband. I am even more excited to have our new family together.

And I can't lie, I'm looking forward to having things neat & orderly again! Can we chant, no more boxes!!! That is unless the USN desides to move us come July...


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