Monday, November 24, 2008
The Talk
I am up with my parents for one more week before returning *home* to VA, home to my husband. Maybe this is why my father felt the need to have the talk with me while my aunt was there.

dad: I hope you are going to be safe, i.e. taking birth control.
me: Yes, dad.
dad: Because your husband could deploy again soon, and you really should wait...
aunt: Oh, I've already talked to her about having more kids.

I just shook my head. There I was in the middle of the living room having the "safe sex" talk with my father & aunt. At 31. Married.

I guess this just proves "a daughter is a daughter for life..."


Anonymous Janet said...

ROFLMAO! Is Dad *gasp* getting sick of babysitting??!

Anonymous Regis said...

That's gross and sweetly caring at the same time. Parents will be parents. :)

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