Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Daily Pondering
So if one works out regularly, actually let us say if one may be training for a triathlon does ice cream null and void the earlier workout?

Last night I went for my scheduled run. I was just off pace by under a minute, but I’ll blame that on the restrictive clothing. (Heart monitor + sports bra + sports tank top = RESTRICTIVE FEELING IN CHEST) I got home to a call from a friend who was on her way back from the local creamery. The ice cream sounded so good at that point. She being the non working out type assured me that I deserved ice cream because of the run and could afford it because of calories burned. Not a bad argument, although not quite valid. It was a tempting argument to a lover of ice cream. Yet, I did not want to cancel out the run. So what did I do? I stayed strong. No ice cream. Then one hour later I went and had enchiladas & a couple of coronas with the boyfriend when he was done working on the boat. I should have just gone with the ice cream! My willpower is not a constant when it comes to food!


so you can say no to your girlfriend, but not your boyfriend...hmmm...

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