Sunday, September 28, 2008
Happy Anniversary to Us!

It is really hard to believe that 1 year ago we were in St. Thomas getting married. It was such a wonderful wedding, the best really. But we are all supposed to say our wedding was the best because it really is a day about your love for each other.

This year has gone by so fast. Looking back I think of things that have made us so much stronger. Events that we really had no choice but to suck it up and make it through. I never questionned or doubted, but I did have my oh my moments & shed a few tears...

~Oct: A couple of weeks after we got back from our month long sebatacle, Mr E. reported to his temporary job in VA. Luckily he was able to stay in MA and make 1-2 trips per month through the holidays.
~Nov: we found out about Bean!
~Dec:The day after Christmas we drove down to VA to set up shop.
~Jan: we packed up some of the house here & moved it to our home in VA. I also had to say a temporary good bye to my husband, which was awful. I was the puffy, teary eyed girl in the airport and on the airplane. This also started my travelling to back and forth to VA every other week.
~Feb: we found out the Bean was a little boy and we welcomed GI Baby to the world.
~Mar: we said good bye to Papa.
~Apr: I took a leave of Absence from work. No more travelling back and forth, just life in VA until MrE deployed.
~May: Vacation time for us. Some time with the families before MrE left. Packed up the house in VA.
~Jun: said "See you soon" to the hubby, started the countdown & returned to MA with the parents. I was again the puffy, teary eyed girl.
~Jul: We welcomed Bean in to the world, which has made a blur of the summer. Here we are at the end of Sept!

Soon we will be moving back to VA. More importantly we will be welcoming daddy off the ship!!! I'm so giddy about it. I cannot wait! New mommies & babies get to go first. The dads in there whites, stepping on to the pier and holding the little ones they have only seen in pictures thus far. It makes me teary every time I think of it. I will again be the puffy, teary eyed girl...


Anonymous Goofy Girl said...

Congrats on your first anniversary! :)

Anonymous Janet said...

Happy anniversary! I meant to get a card out to you in time and failed miserably. But I was thinking of you!

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