Sunday, September 21, 2008
Starting Them Young
The miracle cure to end a meltdown around here is Red Sox Baby! My sister had received the dvd as a gift and when I witnessed its power to entrance one screaming Baby-Zilla, I ran out to get my copy Connor his own. There are educational segments on shapes, letters, numbers, and colors related to baseball, specifically the Red Sox. There is singing. There is a 7th inning stretch. The narrator even explains the basics of baseball and the history of the Red Sox. It is broken up over 9 innings and all very cute. This is played about 3 times a day in chez Azzy. Not only does it calm down two little boys, it also gives this mama/aunty time to get some work done! Best yet, it is Raising Tomorrow's Fan Today! I am just ensuring Bean & future siblings are introduced to our home teams no matter where the Navy sends us.

So today I bought Baby Celtics. Now we're on the watch for Baby Patriots, yet to be made.

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Anonymous elizabeth said...

That's so funny! Let me know when you find baby Patriots!

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