Monday, September 1, 2008
Manic Monday
Found here.

1. If you were to name the one thing you have the most compassion for, what would it be?
People, but not all... I have compassion for people who try and keep trying. People that have faced adversity or give all they have to others. People that are broken hearted and going through a hard time. When possible, I just want everyone to be happy (if legally obtainable). Because happy people make this world a better place. Everyone else, I just want to reach out a hand and let them know they are not alone.

2. It’s been said that, “The best things in life are free.” Do you think this is true?
Absolutely! I think the best moments I've had in life are fleeting moments with family and friends. I certainly don't look backing thinking, oh I had this or wore this... I look back at the memories. My most recent best moments are when one little boy smiles at me!!! I just melt instantly and all is right with the world.

3. What is the most valuable thing you own?My identity or myself. Not very original since I've seen that answer here and here... But taking care of myself will not only keep me healthy and make me a better person / role model for my son & husband.



Anonymous Janet said...

I love your answers, especially the smile = melt part ;-)

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