Thursday, August 21, 2008
Aalborg, Denmark

Hello to all as we depart Aalborg, Denmark after three eventful days in port.

Aalborg is located in north Denmark and lies on either side of a river that cuts across the entire country. An extremely clean city of nearly 200,000, its history dates back to the mid-1400s. In the first attachment you’ll see the Holy Ghost Monastery, established in 1431 and still thriving today.

Dozens of ELROD Sailors were able to participate in events and tours while in Aalborg. The first event was an initiation into the Guild of King Christian IV in which the Captain and 19 others gained membership to an exclusive society, of which many prominent diplomats, politicians, entertainers, and world figures (Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, for example) are also members. The guild dates back to 1942, and was established as a safe haven for Danish citizens who resisted the advances of Axis powers in WWII. The original guild members used their fellowship, loyalty, and faith to remain united and strong during the Nazi occupation. The second attachment shows the personnel honored during the 90 minute initiation. Following the initiation the participants joined Aalborg’s mayor for a reception.

Our Sailors also had the opportunity to get a guided tour of the city, an exclusive tour of Aalborg’s Maritime Museum, and to participate in a reception hosted by the local Danish Navy Association.



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