Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Becareful When Opening My Husband's Emails
Being able to email your husband daily while he is away is such a wonderful gift. Your husband forwarding emails without sanitizing them before, not so wonderful.

My MIL asked if I had seen the email JR forwarded to family and friends. I had emailed him a very precious picture of Connor smiling. No problem. However, I had also written how much I missed him and that he was in trouble when he got home, blah, blah, blah... It was a little risky, but not so bad. This is his Navy email after all. She laughed about it and loved seeing how much I love her son.

This email snafu follows the post birth picture of Connor being sent out to all by my husband... Again, the picture was not the problem... It was that you could see Connor attached to his umbilical cord attached to me.

Awesome! It is pretty humorous, and I did laugh it off. If don't have a sense of humour about yourself, what can you really laugh at and enjoy? I do hope that his family and friends know that I only find out about these emails after they have happened...


Anonymous Janet said...

ROFLMAO! Too funny!!!

Anonymous Courtenay said...

Put it this way - you are so photogenic!! :)

Anonymous elizabeth said...

Oh. My. God. I wouldn't be laughing Paul would be a dead man.

LOL Now, that is funny.

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