Saturday, August 9, 2008
To stay home or not to stay home
That is the question.

My flexible, work-from-home job has changed to full time, work-from-home-most-days, office some days, and some travel type job... It will be a floater office. So when I move, my office moves to the nearest company location. Luckily there is an office very close to most military bases. So now we are contemplating, I am obsessing, over the following:

- Can we afford it?
- Do we want to put Connor in day care? Mr.E does not want him in day care full time, and I agree. I am also looking forward to being around for the year of firsts...
- Do we want a nanny? Very expensive and Mr.E does not want someone else raising our son. Can't blame him. I want to be numero uno.
- Do we want to cut out a good portion of our income? We can, but do we want to...
- Do I want a high stress job at this point? Not really. Been there, done that, over that.
- Family comes first, hands down... After that, my career must come second to Mr.E's career. There is just isn't an option with the Navy.
- Do I really want to travel, even if minimally? Travelling back to the Boston area isn't so bad. The baby can go to the grand parents while I'm off to work.
- Should I just focus back on school? Now may be a good time to focus on a Master's. I can do that part time.

I really hate decisions. I worry to much about doing the right thing. So I've emailed Mr.E about 50 times with questions and budget sheets. I just can't wait until he is in port and we can talk... I've played with all the numbers, even factoring in what the house in VA will cost and the new car we are getting this fall. It is certainly doable. So for the next few years I may become a domestic engineer. Maybe...


Anonymous Anne said...

If you want to domestically engineer, then you and Elizabeth and I should go to the playground or something! At least until you have to go back home.

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