Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Still Here
Well it's been three weeks and I'm still here. Not that motherhood was going to do me in, but as all first time moms know, it is an adjustment! Adding to this adjustment is being pseudo-single mom while the hubby is away. Luckily I have a great support system around. Besides how can one complain when they are so in love with their baby boy! The little peanut is also working with mom on maintaining a good schedule. We're doing 3 hr feeds until 8pm-ish. Then it is 2 hr feeds until 12ish. After that he sleeps for 4-5 hrs... Never would I have thought that a 4-5 hrs stretch of sleep would be a blessing, but a blessing it is!

So after two doctor's appts (week 1 & 2) his weight is ahead of what is expected of a nursing baby. Although, we have diverted a little from the nursing plan. My son is a lazy latcher. He wants to eat when he wants to eat, but work hard for it... He'd rather have the bottle. I tried everything to wake him up including a wet cloth to the skin. All attempts were made with little itty-bitty baby snores. After 1 week of snack feeding every hour and a melt down on mommy's part I decided to pump. As Liz said, it is about the breast milk not the nursing... Well this week, week 3, was met made another compromise... The little piggy wants more than mommy makes. So we are now supplementing a couple of bottles of soy formula. Luckily he takes whatever whenever, as long as it comes in a bottle...

This makes life a little easier though. I even left the house without him on Friday. My sister had bought tickets to Les Miserables, which is my favorite. I did go just to the show & then home. No dinner, no drinks... I missed my baby. We've also been getting out more. And just as my husband predicted, I have been driving his older SUV vs. nifty car because I feel safer with that extra metal. We'll see how long this lasts at over $80 a tank... No need to waste Connor's college fund on gas...

Well the boss is calling for another feeding. Hope all are well.


Anonymous elizabeth said...

I bet he's getting big! Can't wait to see him again!

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