Monday, June 30, 2008
Apparently Just a Drill
So last week I had the stressful doctors appt where my bp was much higher than it has ever been. EVER. Knowing a few medical things, I think pre-emclampsia, high bp can lead to a stroke, seizures... Now add being a quasi-single mom since the hubby is deployed didn't help. I just kept thinking, please let the baby be okay... When the doctor confirmed Bean was perfectly fine, the selfish side came out. Please let me be okay... Three hours, 5 blood tests, and 1 non-stress test later I left the hospital with strict instructions to relax, and to return 3 days later for a repeat test. The next test displayed a similiar bp, but all the blood work was good and Bean was still perfectly fine. The next day was a follow up with my doc, who was fairly certain I'd deliver this past weekend as I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes on Thursday and was now dialated 1cm on Friday. I even cleaned yesterday to help start contractions, I mean CLEANED!!!

Yet, here we are on Monday, I'm home and Bean is not here yet... The fire drill has ended. Now we wait until the boss decides when he wants to join us. I have my theories on why he is waiting...

1. He wants to be born on the 4th because he'll be a energetic little spit fire like his dad!

2. He is waiting for Grammy & Grampy E to arrive from Charlotte, which is today around 3pm.

3. My husband was right when he said our son is going to like to tease him mommy and get her going.

4. He heard is cousin Landon screaming and figured, with all that ruckus I'm pretty comfy right here in mommy's belly!

5. He is already showing us who is the boss. This way there will be no attempts a coup after he arrives.

He'll get here when he gets here. Knowing he is just fine is all that I need to know at this point though. Appreciate the small blessings.


Anonymous Janet said...

I thought about you all weekend, but didn't want to bug you with a gazillion txt msgs LOL!

Anonymous Sky said...

Hey Lady! Just checking in to say HI and CONGRATS!!!!!!!

Anonymous Ladybug's Picnic said...

I was dilated 1 cm for a month. Every OB visit they would say "pretty soon!" but no. I went 10 days overdue! I hope you don't do the same - thinking low BP vibes for you!

Anonymous michelle said...

Azzy...just heard from Janet that Connor arrived....major congratulations to you both!

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