Monday, June 23, 2008
I've been tagged
The rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.

"Pretty much anyone is qualified to lie on your couch and watch TV while you enjoy an evening outing, right? Here's what you do: Put your baby to bed the way you like. When you're confident she's asleep, head out to any of your favorite restaurants."

It's from a book called The Rookie Mom's Handbook, which I got as a gift from a dear friend. Not only is it a cute book, but any rookie mom handbook is a great gift for this newbie!!! Plus it recommends going out for dessert. That is never a bad thing!

I would love to tag 5 people. However, I have been away for sometime. So I think that most readers are family keeping up with what is going on... So I'll put this out there, any who would like to do this... Tag, you're it!

As for she who tagged me, thank goodness we bonded over the AF & LOTR when I first started at my last job... Had it not been for that, I might have missed out on a truly special friendship!


Anonymous Janet said...

Oh, I was hoping you'd do something from that book! Glad you're enjoying it, dear friend :)

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