Sunday, June 22, 2008
A good weekend indeed
It was another good weekend in my corner of the world. However, since I've cut back in hours at work & work from home a couple of days a week, weekends are more like weeks to me... Something I truly appreciate after 13+yrs of working full time.

The upside to this weekend was not only getting to talk to my husband on the phone because he was in port in Rota, Spain, it was also getting to have a video chat with him on Saturday!!! Thank you Skype!

I also got to catch up with an old friend. We had lunch out on the water, lobtahs & quahogs, but no rum drinks for this mama-to-be... We walked to the beach where we took pictures and J found some great sea glass. As always, we chatted about the most random things transitioning ever so quickly. Sunday, the boys (minus my hubby) went fishing, so the girls, well we were completely lazy. We walked down to the beach in the morning, sat by the pool in the afternoon, and laid around the house this evening...

It was the perfect weekend for one very pregnant lady. Chats with the hubby, chats with family, time with the girls, and catching up with a good friend. I hope all were able to enjoy a summer weekend just the same.


Anonymous Janet said...

It was the most fun I had all birthday weekend :-) I totally look forward to seeing you again! Thanks for the mug & necklace, too :-)

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