Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tick-tock, Tick.-tock
The days are just melting away, and within 2 short weeks our little man should be joining us! A few weeks ago I felt great. So when people would ask, "are you ready yet?" I would tell them that I had a very good pregnancy and was just fine waiting it through. After this week, I.AM.SO.READY. Let's just say it has been eventful thus far and tomorrow will be consists of more tests to check blood pressure & blood work... The bean is great though. It's more of Bean's progression and claiming of space that are wearing mama down. Knowing he is full term is amazing though. Until then, this mama is kicking back & taking it easy.

The only thing on the agenda this week was my office party today. My coworkers had a luncheon for me. There was yummy food and great company... Should company come first, or is it okay for a pregnant woman to praise food first? Hmmm... Connor received some more great gifts. This little boy has such a collection of clothes for the 1st year. He is a lucky little lad! I am also very lucky to have such great friends at work!


Anonymous elizabeth said...

Any mother knows that a pregnant woman is all about the food first, we all were. At this stage of the game, you can't roll over, or walk properly, or much of anything else. Food is the last comfort. Don't let them tell you that you can't have food once you begin labor. You can have soft things. Noodle soup and the like. Citrus popsicles can help queasiness during labor. Try Edy's whole fruit ones.
Wow, this comment turned into a lecture.....Sorry, LoL!

Anonymous Goofy Girl said...

So exciting!! :D Hope your blood work comes back good and your pressure says down!

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