Monday, July 21, 2008
Haakonsvern, Norway

Well, here we are in Haakonsvern, Norway…beginning a tri-lateral operation w/ the Russians and Norwegians. Tonight, we had a welcoming reception for our Russian counterparts. We are currently moored outboard the Udaloy Class Destroyer, RFS SEVEROMORSK. It was a function (w/ alcohol) for us to get to know our Officer counterparts. We had a wonderful evening of festive conversations (mostly translated by a young “journalism” officer (read POLITICAL officer). I spent the night talking w/ their Chief “journalism” officer and didn’t give any national secrets away. Mostly we talked about family and travel and life in our respective Navy’s. The Russians were very gracious, yet guarded…at least until we had a few drinks and they noticed that we were good family men, then the stories started. What an interesting evening.

I’ve already began trading badges for a Russian “momuska” (their furry hats). So far I’ve managed to get a hat, but am working on the shiny device that pinned on it…a unique treasure. Tomorrow evening is a reception on the Russian ship, so it should be interesting. Our Captain had dinner their last night, and let me tell you, the vodka was flowing ;) Wish me luck!!

I’ve attached some pics from the harbor we’re in and the reception we had tonight. Talk soon!


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