Tuesday, July 15, 2008
He's Here!!!

Brand new here!!!

1st week home!!!

1st doctor's appt

On July 7th we welcomed our little guy Connor into the world. Labor & delivery went much better than I had ever imagined. Connor weighed in at 7lbs4oz and measured 20.5in. We are now home adjusting. There will be more to come when I can catch up on sleep and stop running around like a crazy person... I do love being a mom though. This little guy is just my heart, well he & his daddy are my heart!

More to come later, it is now time for the little man to eat...

-One very tired mama!


Anonymous Theresa said...

Congrats!! Glad that everything went well for you. That's funny about the diaper. Whenever I forgot to "point it down"- and it only takes once or twice to learn that lesson...it was on the front of his shirt. Hope you're getting some rest over there. Ya, right, huh??

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