Sunday, August 17, 2008
I'm Smitten!

It just melts my heart when I see Bean smile! Catching it today on camera made my day. Not only do I have the picture to look at constantly, but I can share it with Mr. E, who is currently in the Baltic.

Other happy moments in pictures...

I love this little guy! He is getting so big and changing every day. Close up is courtesy of one very talented friend / photographer extrodinaire!

Quality time for the cousins... Landon is actually trying to soothe his cousin's cries with a pat on the head. He resorted to sticking his thumb in Bean's mouth. It happened so quick. Thank goodness we had the camera standing by. The innocence and compasion shown by one 6 month old boy was such a precious moment! He succeeded, Bean stopped crying.

Now this little chunka-munka is getting big! I am going to miss my nephew more than anyone can imagine come December. We start the love for Red Sox early in this family! As for the other picture, I wish I could sleep this comfortably anywhere...

Mamas and their boys!


Anonymous Goofy Girl said...

Oh my gosh!! It's easy to see why you're smitten - he is just the cutest thing ever!! :)

Love the Red Sox cap!

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