Monday, September 22, 2008
Happiness Project, the beginning
I made a random book purchase the other day. Random for me because I do not usually purchase a book that has no story to it. Thumbing through 14,000 things to be happy about brought a smile to my face. I thought, why not? The book contains a list 40 yrs in the making that make the author happy. Yet they are general enough for all to appreciate. Last night another thought occured, a blog project... So, once a week I will pick something randomly from the book to be happy about and how I relate to that happiness. So for the first happiness entry...

willows that look like great honey colored fountains, pg 410.

Our old dog Ferris used to climb the Willow tree in my parents back yard. Visitors would drive by to see the yellow lab up on the branch, which was a good 4ft high. My mother claimed that it was so she could see the property and ensure her people were safe. I think it was because she thought she was anything but a dog. Willow trees will always make me think of our beloved Ferris and all of the good times we had with our puppy!
I made a random book purchase the other day. Random for me because I do not usually purchase a book that has no story to it. Thumbing through 14,000 things to be happy about brought a smile to my face. I thought, why not? The book contains a list 40 yrs in the making that make the author happy. Yet they are general enough for all to appreciate. Last night another thought occured, a blog project... So, once a week I will pick something randomly from the book to be happy about and how I relate to that happiness. So for the first happiness entry...

willows that look like great honey colored fountains, pg 410.

Our old dog Ferris used to climb the Willow tree in my parents back yard. Visitors would drive by to see the yellow lab up on the branch, which was a good 4ft high. My mother claimed that it was so she could see the property and ensure her people were safe. I think it was because she thought she was anything but a dog. Willow trees will always make me think of our beloved Ferris and all of the good times we had with our puppy!

Dad & Ferris, the tree dog


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