Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Bean!
Dear Bean,

Almost 1 year ago exactly (10:06p EST) you came into our lives changing our world for the better. Forever. I honestly can't really remember you not being here even though it has only been a year... It has been such an amazing year. Although, it doesn't seem that long. The fear that I felt when I first brought you home is undescribable. All first time parents feel it though. I just wanted to make sure that you were safe, loved, happy... Even the longest days are instantly changed when you give me that little smile or you crawl over and give me a kiss. It is the best gift this mum could ask for. We have so many hopes for you, but above all we hope that you are happy and know how much you are loved.

So Happy Birthday Bean!!! You are my best accomplishment! I love you more than you will ever know.

xoxo, Mum


Anonymous Goofy Girl said...

Awwww I can't believe he's a year already!! Happy Birthday little one!!

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