Friday, December 19, 2008
All Things Christmas
So we took a chance with Santa tonight. Bean was dressed ever so cutely. Had it not been for the "reindeer feeding" (read: break), all would have been good. *sigh* So if you were at MacArthur Center, I was the one with the crying 5 month old. And he wasn't crying because of one jolly man in a bright red suit. No, he was crying because he wanted to eat. At that very moment. So our first picture with Santa didn't go quite as planned. Then there was our action shot on the Polar Express. Sadly, our actions did not please one hungry little boy. Luckily we had taken a couple of pictures before when Bean was in jolly mode.

After the mall we rushed to home to make the neighborhood holiday get together. We had cookies and grown-up hot chocolate. Yummy! Then we went carroling. It was a lot of fun. And funny. We met some neighbors. On Sunday we'll be heading to a holiday brunch at the club house. It is such a friendly community. We really do love it here.


Anonymous Kat said...

oh.my.god. that picture of JR on the polar express is hysterical!! and I think you could prob get connor on that website with all of the kiddies crying on santa. he is kinda scary if you're like 1 year old! hehe so cute! yay first christmas!!

Anonymous elizabeth said...

Ha! We have a William crying for Santa photo too! I think the photographers thought we were mean. I know Santa did. We were laughing and saying: "take it! take it!"
Mean bad parents we are...

Anonymous Goofy Girl said...

So cute :) He looked much happier without santa, too bad for the break. :(

Anonymous MissLiss said...

I love all the Pictures. My Little Chunka Munka's getting big.

Anonymous Regis said...

Fabulous pictures!

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