Sunday, September 28, 2008
Happiness Project, #2

This week's random thing to be happy about comes from pg 442.

finding each other being only the beginning

How fitting that this particular happiness comes on our first wedding anniversary. I knew early on that MrE was my match. Finding him was the beginning to our happy ever after. I was talking to someone the Saturday night about all of the craziness from this past year. They wanted to know how I made it through pregnancy alone and six months of MrE's deployment. They had been pregnant at the same time and felt sad that I was alone. I just said we are always surprised but what we can handle when it comes down to it. And the simple truth is, the alternative is a life without MrE. That is just something I would not want. So while I miss him terribly, I never dwell on his absence because we are his home, and he will be back. Yeah, I'm corny...


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