Friday, August 11, 2006
Lucky girl
Having the support of loved ones is the most amazing feeling. My parents were right there this weekend cheering me on as I completed my first triathlon. The boyfriend stayed right by my pokey side as I mosied along through the course. My goal was to finish and I did.

Yesterday was another big day in the life of this girl. In June I found out that those pesky little *C* cells were back. It's nothing new. I've been going through this for 9 years. Yet, tears filled my eyes realizing that the 5 year clock was being rewound. There are also a number of other worries. More procedures = more scar tissue. More scar tissue is never a good thing in that area.

Anyway, the first round of procedures was done yesterday. My mother and the boyfriend were right by my side. I didn't ask them to come. They were just there. My father was waiting when I got home and my brother and sister checked in. Some of my friends called, his parents called, and a couple of his friends called. It really makes this time so much more tolerable. Because there are certainly times when their strength is needed.

Just as the doctor offers a child a lollipop at the end of a good visit, the boyfriend decided that I should have ice cream. There were no arguments from this chickie. At the end of the day, the boyfriend was right there with me. I think, life isn't good. It's really great!


Anonymous Michelle said...

First of all CONGRATUALTIONS on winnign your 1/2 triathalong. I say winning because finishing IS winning.

I am SO sorry to hear about nasty C being back. I wish I could give you a big hug. Hang in there and please know that I am sending good vibes your way 100 times over.

I'm glad you were surrounded by those that matter most to you! You are lucky to have such a fantastic family, loving boyfriend and great friends.

I hope you're ok!

Anonymous Theresa said...

Congrats on finishing the triathalon!! You should be so proud! So sorry to hear though about the nasty C cells. :( I hope that there's not much scar tissue and that treatment is quick and effective.

Anonymous ka-rista said...

Congrats! I keep forgetting you have blogger. I need to put you on mah rollll.

Sorry to hear about the C. Big hugs!

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