Sunday, April 22, 2007
Reason #49837385495
So Friday night two of the *bleeping* bridesmaids from my cousin's wedding they decided that they were no longer going to go on the bachelorette party. The reason, they didn't know anything about it, which a huge pile of *beep, beep*. If the bride wasn't my cousin, they would have 5 bridesmaids, an aunt, and a mother of the bride putting their selfish *beeps* into place. (Sorry for all the bleeps & beeps)

Now, not only did we decide what was going onfor this little outing at the shower, but my sister told all not to worry she would handle it. I would host dinner and we head out from there... We were all told to keep Sat. April 21st open. So back to the cancellation on the 20th... This left us with a limo now costing well over $100 per person for 6 people. After dinner & drinks we were looking at $200 per person. Did I mention we just stayed local? Now for me, that is just a lot of money to spend on one night locally. I'm also against the whole idea of big hoo-haa bachelor/bachelorette parties, which gives me a different perspective on it anyway. So after a little freak out on/with my sister, JR came to the rescue.

1. He went to the store to buy all items for dinner.
2. He cooked dinner.
3. He cleaned up after dinner.
4. He drove six crazy, screaming girls around and never said a word!
5. He spent an additional hour getting everyone home safely after breakfast.

This is just one of the reasons that he is the best. By the end of the night he was be tolding how much he was loved. Some of the girls even asked if they could trade. Sorry ladies, he is all mine! But I will rent him out for a small fee. Kidding...


Anonymous Krista said...

that is a good GOOD man you've got there

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