Monday, March 26, 2007
Baby Talk
Right... All parents seem to be itching for grand-children here in our corner of the world. We've gotten pictures of other young kids. Other hints, obvious and not so obvious. Then there is the flat out asking. Case in point: while driving to my grandfather's on Sunday my mother stated people were asking if we were starting a family soon after the nuptials or would we wait. I laughed and said, not too long after. We do want to get settled in Virginia and Navy life before heading down that road. This is when my mother decided to bring up my age, or the soon to be 30 birthday. Not once, but twice in about 20 seconds. I asked if she was going to say 30 anymore since she had already pointed the number out a couple of times. She went on to sing, "30, 30, 30, 30, 30..." She's also looked at little girl dresses saying she'll probably never get to buy those and that my ovaries were ready to move out! Now don't get me wrong, this is all in good fun. She happily pats herself on the back when she comes up with these little quips. It really is humorous. And we do want kids because the truth of it is that we'll both be 30 in the year after our marriage. Knowing that we do want to start in the first year or so has heightened the excitement for the family. Feeding the fire...

I did later dicuss this with a friend, starting a family in your 30's and such... We have changed this generation. More women are career minded, opting to wait on having a family for a bit, or sometimes deciding against it all together. We travel. We join the work force. We live in cities. We aim to save before having the family. We want to spend time with our spouses before. There are many reasons. Personally, in addition I was too selfish in my early 20's to settle down. I was ready to climb that corporate ladder and spend good times with friends. Go out and not answer to anyone. Spend all my money foolishly, and that I did... It was my mid-life crisis, mid 20's. My parents also encouraged me to see the world and live a little before settling down. That may have been my dad's attempt at holding on to his children... Now, I'm all about domestication, which came with meeting JR. It all just fits. I love the life I've lived. I've grown tremendously. I'm just ready for the next step.

Truth be told, I'm just as excited about starting a family with JR.


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