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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I'm Still Standing
Barely, but mom & I made it through a few hours at PicPeople with Zilla (2yrs), Bean (19 mos) and Little Miss (3mos). Wow sums it up best. Those boys had so much energy that we contained, but at times it looked as if the bomb would explode. The session started off well, some cute shots of Little Miss. Then the boys jumped in all dressed in their Easter Best. As we were getting ready to do the wardrobe change our photographer went to switch out batteries. When she came back she informed us the pictures she had just taken were gone. So what are the chances of getting more good pictures in their Easter outfits. All together? Yeah, even the Magic 8 Ball would have said "Outlook not so good". Good pictures seperately, CHECK. Good pictures of my two monsters, CHECK. Good pictures of the boys, CHECK. Then it was time for the wardrobe change. So we crossed our fingers and prayed to the photography gods for a good picture of the 3 grand children. Our prayers were answered, only it was in their B-Sox attire! No complaints from this family. So after 2 hours, 2 boys getting along, not getting along, hiding behind the screen, fighting over the piano, throwing off their cute hats, 3 diaper changes, 1 wardrobe change, and even a feeding for Little Miss - we were out of there.
I am beat. Mom is beat. The boys are running around the house. Little Miss is sleeping in her bouncy right next to me. But we all survived, we certainly can't let the boys they might be able to take us some days. Off to enjoy my late dinner. Get the boys to bed and then promptly do the same. All though a glass of wine sounds very good right about now!
Enjoy the pictures...
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