Thursday, February 11, 2010
Our First Snow Day

It is no secret that I do not subscribe to the "I love snow" fan club. We could even broaden that to "I love cold weather"... However, I have been looking forward to snow this year since Bean is 19 months and can enjoy going out to play. I wasn't sure if it was going to happen. It snowed plenty in MA early in the winter, when we were in VA. Then when we came up to MA to visit, the snow had travelled south. Hmmm? We finally got snow though! Yey!!!

I pulled both Bean and Zilla (my 2 year old nephew) on the sled. We walk through the yard, rolled around, made a snow ball, fell over and got "tuck" as Bean says... Moving around in a snowsuit slowed two toddlers down making one mommy very happy. We ended our afternoon with some hot chocolate. Sadly Maggie will have to wait until next year. She stayed in the house with Papa.

Tonight we're off the the NB Whaling Museum to see Toe Jam Puppet Band perform. A perfect way to spend Zilla's 2nd birthday. More pictures and videos of the kids dancing to come!!!


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