Thursday, May 3, 2007
Keeping me sane
Craziness, you consume my mornings! I wake up thinking, okay where am I going today? Followed by, ugh 1.5 hours in the car in good weather and no traffic. Do I have to get gas? Or I think, thank goodness I only have to drive 30 minutes. Maybe I'll hit snooze one more time... There is even the occassional, is this my Friday off? Even if it is I usually log on at home because there is something to do. So all of this runs through my head before my feet hit the floor, but it quickly fades when I walk out of my bedroom door and see this:

Now we may not be on the ocean directly, but I'll take an ocean view any day of the week. Also, the beach is about 2 minutes down the road one way. The boat ramp is another 5 minutes down the road the other way. After a deep, relaxing sigh because life is good I'm off... Reality comes back in full force and the races begin. Speaking of which I'm off to a work 30 minutes away only to get in the car by 12pm and drive 1.5 hours away to office 2 where I'll finish my day and week! Hope all have a good day.


Anonymous Janet said...

Dude, I LOVE that shot!! Very nice :-)

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