Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Bad, bad blogger
My mom's hint that I hadn't posted in a while wasn't very suttle. I think her exact words were, "I check all the blogs every day and only Liz updates regularly..." I knew it had been a while, but when I actually checked and found my last post was 2.5 months ago I was even shocked. So family, my apologies for not updating pictures because we have had some fun pictures & events to post about. In fact, there are several slide shows in the post below that have our outings and such from the end of the summer to early fall.

Now for a short recap... We've celebrated Bean's birthday 4 times. That is right 4 times. The luck of a Navy brat, that is all I can say. We drove to NC for Aunty Aimee's wedding shower. We drove to MA to visit with family, celebrate Bean's birthday (4th time). We had visitors here (Erik & dad in July, Mom & Aunty D in Aug, Mom & Dad in Oct). We had family outings when JR had time off. There is only more to come with the grandparents visiting before and after our little LadyBug's arrival, LadyBug's big arrival, Halloween & fall activities, holidays, and just like that it will be 2010!

Our daily activities are no different than many other families. Bean is growing & growing. He keeps us on our toes. He keeps us laughing. He keeps going and going and going... And so does our love for him. He is just our bestest little boy! He has quite the personality too. A few weeks ago he actually kissed our waitress. She bent over to high five him and he leaned forward to kiss her. I just shook my head. I think it is fair to say we will have our hands full with that little flirt. He also has taken to lifting my shirt up at home to see my belly. He kisses the bump and says hi to the baby. While this is cute while we're at home, I had to stop him from doing it at Target the other day. Although the other couple baby shopping got a giggle out of his grabbing my shirt and saying baby louder & louder.

With in 7 weeks we'll see how he really is with the LadyBug. I'm not to sure he'll be as friendly to the little one who has mommy & daddys attention. We'll do our best to make sure he knows he is just as important. Wish us luck!

Well family, this is all the updating I have in me for the day. It is late and one little Bean will be up early and ready to go. If I could only bottle his energy. I could probably make a small fortune selling it, but right now I'd keep it all for my need to keep up with him. Hope all are well!

xoxo, Azzy

Picture Updates
In July our friends were reunited when Ava's daddy came back from his deployment. We were lucky enough to go to the airport and take pictures of the reunion. We also went to a friend's birthday, where Connor started to eat the cake on his own. Such a little character. GPa & Uncle Erik also came down for a family ship ride on the USS Truman. I don't have pictures of the ship ride since I was home with Connor, but I do have some of GPa, Erik & Bean...

Our first round of travels were actually travelors visiting us in VA. Nana & Aunty D came to visit!

After Nana & Aunty D left, we were off to Grammy & Grampy E's to celebrate Aunty Aimee's upcoming wedding & have round 3 of my birthday. I don't have any pictures of the fun had at Aunty Aimee's wedding shower, but we do have lots of pictures of her as a beautiful bride!!!

After our trip to NC in August, we drove up to MA to celebrate Connor's birthday with the J family. We got to have some beach days, see family, go on outings with Nana & Landon...

In September we finally made our way back to VA with the help of Nana as copilot. We went to the zoo, the aquarium, the play center at the mall - all of the touristy things in our area. Then JR, Bean & I drove down to NC to take care of some wedding stuff for Aunty Aimee. We took the opportunity to walk along the river after we were done.

The first weekend in October we drove down to Greenville, NC for Aunty Aimee's wedding to Uncle Grant.

Nana & GPa also came up the first week of October. They spent a few days with us in VA Beach and went to Aunty Aimee's wedding in NC. While they were here we went to Jamestown & Yorktown and enjoyed some quality time since Bean doesn't get to see them enough.

And that is all for the pictorial update...