Sunday, November 26, 2006
Just Like That November Is Gone
Well November has been a complete blur. We started off the month with a wonderful vacation to London & Paris. The day after we got back my grandmother was rushed to the hospital, 10 days later she was gone. The family camped out in the hospital awaiting the inevitable, holding strong together. We watched her TV shows, told stories, and played games. Hopefully she was comforted by the normal commotion that surrounds our family. It is said that hearing is the last sense to go, and with that being that the case at least those last several days were filled with the normal sounds of our family. Everything was so unexpected which made it really hard, but at least her suffering was minimal. And as sad as loss is, I believe that it is harder to watch a slow deterioration take place. We were just so relieved that her suffering is over and that we have so many memories to hold on to.

With all that happened we missed the holiday with the bf’s family. Luckily there is no shortage of food with my mom’s family. We certainly ate well on our nine day vacation. Then there is the unhealthy eating of hospital food and take out for another 11 days. I think we’ve had three home cooked meals in total this month, including Thanksgiving. I actually had to go out and buy jeans that had “room in them” as the bf cautiously asked. Unhealthy eating and no exercise do not make a good combination. It does make for a little insulation as the cold weather approaches. Yet, I'm not looking for any extra insulation. I'm so ungrateful. So it is back to the gym this week along with looking for that holiday spirit…

I hope all had a good holiday!


Anonymous clipper829 said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma, Azzy, but you're right. I've been through the prolonged suffering, and that's pretty rough, too.

I'm glad you were all there to support her and each other at the end. I'm thinking of you. And I am sure your new "roomy" jeans will be relegated to the back of the closet in no time ;)

Anonymous Janet said...

She's so lucky she had all of you to care about her!

Anonymous Michelle said...

It is so hard to see the ones we love who have had such a presence in our lives age and pass on. My thoughts are with you and your family. I am suer she knew how much she was loved; you seem like a very close family and I am sure she was comforted by you all being there.

Anonymous Goofy Girl said...

I'm sorry to hear that about your Grandma. :(

Anonymous Theresa said...

So sorry to hear about your grandma!

Anonymous ka-rista said...

:o( sorry im late on it but so sad to hear about your grams. She must of been very happy to have you all there at the end.

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