Sunday, November 12, 2006
Always Catching Up
I still have to do a Europe post, which will actually be next. My entries are sporadic anyhow, but there has been a family emergency which has taken up all of our time since we've returned. This is putting all things on hold. My grandmother had a small stroke before we left on our trip. We talked to her from London and all sounded good. However things took a turn for the worst. The stroke ended up being caused by a bigger problem. We know the outcome and it is now a waiting game. All the weight is falling on my father's shoulders. He is the one with the final say. He knows what to do though, he & my grandmother talked about her wishes often over the last few years. It's just making that decision because once you say it, it is done.

So things are tense and quiet around here. My off time from work is spent at the hospital. Luckily I have a great family and we are all there together. Through it all the boyfriend has been right there. He's making sure the little things don't get missed.

I'll post about Europe next, but after that I'm not sure when I'll have more down time again. So until then, take care...


Anonymous Lauren & Rich said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ((Cyber Hugs))

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