Sunday, October 22, 2006
Queest-ce que j'ai fait ce week-end ?
I'm practicing my French. After all we will be in Paris in two weeks!!! Je suis tres heureux!!!

I started off the weekend wanting to blow off Friday's 5K, which I did... Then I ended up feeling blah. The rain. The headache. Selecting an outfit didn't go so well either. The bf really hasn't lost 6 lbs. It's really just relocated to my behind. Remember Friday's post about slacking... I wanted to crawl into bed and sleep, but there was a birthday dinner awaiting. After being an hour late and making everyone wait, I arrived at home to see not just my brother & sister, but some of my closer friends were there. Two of my most favorite little girls were there too. Instant pick me up! We laughed. We ate. Then we went out and partied like rock stars townie style. A few more friends and family members joined the festivities. Despite becoming an "old bag" as my mother said, nice right, I woke up feeling great on Saturday. I won't lie though. I did take a 4 hour nap later that day though. Still I was hangover free, which was an accomplishment for someone who does not drink often but would have made her Irish ancestors proud on Saturday... I must say that this was the best birthday ever. Twenty-eight turned out to be the greatest year ever. I say bring it on twenty-nine!

After some napping on Saturday I did a little house work, dishes, laundry. All the fun stuff. As I was doing dishes , back turned to eveything I heard this loud bang. Again, back turned to everything so I was completely unaware. I was in Azzy-world. Now had we been in the south end I would have hit the floor. However, we are in Newport and that is not one of my biggest worries here in our little seaside community... Any loud noises here are from the drunk college kids returning from the bars. Anyhow, I froze. I turned around to see the bf dazed and confused... Now rewind 5 minutes, I walked past the bf who was dilligently working on his bike. While I did dishes, he started pumping up the tire... the tire which took no more than 100 psi but he thought took 110 psi. Big difference. HUGE. After a good chuckle we headed over to a friend's house for dinner & games, which is something one does starting in their late 20's. That was a topic of discussion that night... After winning (he, he, he) trivial pursuit we headed home because Sunday was an early day.

We awoke before the a**-crack of dawn on Sunday to drive 2.5 hours to CT for a cyclocross race, which lasted 30 minutes and then make the 2.5 hour drive home. Now that is love people. I am not an alarm clock person, and I fight to get out of bed for work during the week at 6am. This morning I was up at 5am. It wass all in support of the bf's quest for Ironman. Besides, I love being his cheerleader. It was really cool to watch, just to watch. I took some pictures and video. It really was cool. I also earned some points for when I drag him around to bead stores and such.

And now here we are. Another weekend gone just like that.


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