Friday, December 1, 2006
A bit of this and that
Today was the funeral, small and quiet. Then it was a not-so-quiet day with the three little nieces reaking havoc on my parents house. It was good to hear all that laughter though. Also, thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers at this time. It really means a lot. I must also thank the bf for being so patient with me. With the trip, the hospital stay and then funeral I've just been off the charts. He's been right there quietly supporting me.

And life goes back to normal, Mom & I went shopping.

My mother & I were driving back from the mall tonight when she looked at the temperature thingy inside the car. Shhh... I'm not mechanically inclined. 60 degrees outside at 7pm on December 1st here in MA. There is something not quite right about that. Mom said she hopes this doesn't mean winter will last until May. I assured her it was global warming and we'd have to live on the boat soon because the ice bergs were melting... However, we may want to trade up the boat. I don't know, something with a cabin. Something bigger than 20 ft. I mean, would you want to be a boat with 9 other adults. ( members of your immediate with significant others in just a 20 ft boat...

Well must go search Craig's List for a bigger boat. Hope you all have a good weekend.


Anonymous Janet said...

Life and death, tears and laughter...it all goes hand in hand. You gave her quite a send off and were there for her til the end. You should be proud.

Anonymous Lauren said...

Thinking of you..I hope you are doing okay, it sound like you are but i know deep down it's still tough. Lots of ((hugs)).

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