Wednesday, December 13, 2006
What I Got
I have the biggest smile as we sit here just chatting, the BF finishing the rest of the Christmas cards, sipping on some wine and listening to Sublime. It's really just that simple, some quality time and good conversation with the man I love. We're not lost in a move or TV show, which I enjoy on most evenings. We're not hooked on seperate computers surfing the net (shhh... I'm blogging and talking as he writes). We're not in two different rooms. We're interacting... It's been a tough holiday season loosing gramma-rita just three days before Thanksgiving. However my family has been right there together, the bf included as he is part of the family. I've been super busy with work. He's been finishing up his last semester at school. Most nights I find my self stumbling through the door in sheer exhaustion only to collapse on the couch... Tonight I left work on time. He got out of class early. We met for out for a drink and then decided to head home. So here we are, just enjoying each other's company, sipping some wine, and listening to some tunes...

It couldn't be any better right now, I got it all. I absolutely love this man... I hope that all of my few readers are having a great holiday season with those that they love because that is what it's all about.


Anonymous Michelle said...

vujysI am SO happy for you - this post and the things you write are so exactly the way life should be. We have to grab these moments and hang onto them because they are truly what get us through the less than stellar times. Enjoy the holidays with the man and the family!

Anonymous Janet said...

That sounds awesome Azzy! I'm so very happy for you :-)

Anonymous Lauren said...

I hope you have a wonderful holiday yourself. I'm so glad you so happy.You so deserve it :)

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