Friday, January 26, 2007
Always Catching Up
I think that has become the story of my blogging life... Work has been great, but crazy. I find myself working longer days than usual. However, I love my job so it hasn't been a problem. During the week I'm wiped and on the weekends we're back in Fairhaven cleaning the house so we can move in soon. I'll miss Newport, but it will be nice to have a home.

So let's see, outside of work all of the followed has happened.

  • Had a great Christmas with the family & bf
  • Gained a family member officially, my brother proposed to his gf.
  • My sister finally opened up to having a bf. Thank god he stuck around for 2+ years. She's glowing and the family couldn't be happier that she is happy. Plus we really like him.
  • We went to NC to see the bf's family.
  • Spent New Year's in DC with friends.
  • I drank ginger ale and was in bed at 12:30. He had one beer and was in bed right behind me.
  • The bf went back to work after a year off! No more sleeping late as I get ready for work. :)
  • Getting ready for our next move
  • The bf has helped out with my brother's new house
  • Went skiing for the first time, did well. No broken bones, only 2 falls.
  • Started planning vac for Janet's bday. Vegas here we come!

In the next month I'm looking forward to the following:

  • Skiing again, I promised the bf.
  • Celtics game & night in Boston, Feb 2nd
  • Bruins game & another night in Boston, Feb 10th
  • Jim Gaffigan, Feb 16th
  • Moving in to the house by Feb 20th, right near the ocean & close to the family! :)
  • One wonderful year with the bf, Feb 17th!
  • Going to Jamaica, Feb 22nd - Feb 26th!!!

It looks like things will continue to be busy for the next month. Then again, it will probably continue that way. That's life, and it's a good one. So no complaints from me. Well now it's time to get ready to head back to F-town for hopefully our last weekend of house cleaning before the move! Hope all have a wonderful weekend!!!


Anonymous Lauren & Rich said...

I'm glad to see your doing well and your back to blogging. I missed seeing what you've been up to :)

Anonymous Krista said...

That sounds wonderful. Glad to hear about your sister, I really enjoyed her company, her smile is as contagious s yours!

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